It's War Boys
Настоящее имя: It's War Boys
The It’s War Boys Catalogue as remembered by a refurbished Sinclair ZX Spectrum:
£1 - Nancy Sesay & The Melodaires - C’est Fab
£2 - Amos & Sara - The Private World of..
£3 - Milk From Cheltenham - Triptych of Poisoners
£4 - Sara goes Pop
£5 - Just Measurers - Flagellation
£6 - VicSerf&TheVillains-RokyRoll
£ 7- Vicky Durango - Pram Hill Roll Down Baby Squash Lorry
£8 - Klak Klak Moguls - Dull Thudd Beat
£9 - Amos &Sara - Go Home Soldier
£10 - Amos & Sara - Endless Latino
£11 - Amos & Co. -TrueTears
£12 - The Aaron Tenecil Singers - Closer To Thee My Spine
£13 - Narki Brillans - Goes Into Orbo’
£14 - n/a
£15 - Skim Nomrom & The Corolettes - Copydex Wonderland (lost - presumed erased)
£16 - Ron Dealo - The Punishing Strings (of)
£17 - Gus Coma - Color Him Coma
£18 - The Fear Merchants - Mental
£19 - Ron Dealo - Eep Little Creep
£20 - Lepke B vs King Kobraa - Compact Cassette Warfare
£21 - Modern Shit
£22 - Napalm Timesavers - Congolo Makkee Leggo
£23 - Milk From Cheltenham - (Volume Two) Diptych of Loiterers
£24 - Leonard Aspen & Roger Boulding - The BBC Years
£25 - Narki Brillans - In a Saleable Mood
£26 - Riffs From The Orchestra
£27 - Comrad’ Oleau - Tiny Revolutions
£28 - Leonard & Roger - Advance The Programmable Incalculably Series
£29 - The Just Measurers - Blasting Off (consists of various extras and outtakes)
£30 - The Poop Deck Three - Shit In A Bank
£31 - Napalm Timesavers - Bring out The Hungarian (intended 7”)
Other proposed releases - various material on 8 track and cassette:
£ ?? - The Harris Bomb (featuring T’weed Klausewitz) - The Even Angrier Brigade
£ ?? - Narki Brillans - Lock Up Your Briefcases
£ ?? - Comrad’ Oleau - Tales of Doctor Massivebrain