Artist Of The Week
Настоящее имя: Artist Of The Week
This series was used and manufactured for the sole use in the Seeburg 33 ⅓ RPM Stereo Jukeboxes. Disc sets consisted of 5 records per pack and were releases from labels such as: Capitol, Columbia, RCA, Decca, Grand Award, and Mercury etc for the Seeburg machines. Records were manufactured by the labels mentioned. Complete "Artist Of The Week" sets were sent in an envelope and have 5 (duplicated info) panels of title strips for each (5 discs total) record. Also included was a cover slick (7" color photo of LP cover) for the tray liners on jukebox windows.
Title strips state "Seeburg Duplex 33 ⅓ Stereo Title Strips" and were manufactured by Star Title Strip Co., Inc.
Some packs have addtional verbiage via the record label such as: Pop Pre-Pak (Decca), Promotion Pre-Pak (RCA), and Stereo Seven (Columbia).