Faith (57)
Настоящее имя: Faith (57)
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We are ギャング・オブ・ポップ! 長野県伊那市発。2020年、平均年齢21歳のグローバルポップバンド。 2015 年、別々の高校に通うメンバーが伊那GRAMHOUSEに集まり結成。 90年代洋楽をルーツに感じさせるサウンドにメインストリームのメロディが融合した、新世代が鳴らすグローバルポップ。 音楽へのピュアな熱量と、ボーダーレスな本格サウンドを兼ね備えたニューカマー! FAITH are Akari Dritschler [アカリ ドリチュラー] Vocal レイ キャスナー [Ray Kastner] Guitar,Vocal ヤジマレイ [Rei Yajima] Guitar,Vocal 荒井藤子 [Toko Arai] Bass We are a Gang of Pop! A 4-pieced mixed-gender band from Ina City, Nagano prefecture in Japan , with an average age of 21. The band also opened for the “Rock Princess” Chrissy Costanza’s, Against The Current in December 2018, during their Tokyo leg of the world tour. Single from the 1st full length album “Capture it” released in January 2020, was featured on an amazing 71 Radio/TV stations nationwide, and marked second most aired music in the first half of 2020. Western music, Japanese Music, Nationality, Gender, through the borders, from Japan to the World!