Настоящее имя: Baptistão
Об исполнителе:
Brazilian illustrator, born in São Paulo in 1966. He has been drawing since childhood, under the influence of two Alceus, his father and his brother. Also under the influence of the first Alceu, he became a Palmeira native. He graduated in Publicity and Propaganda from Faculdade de Comunicação Social Cásper Líbero in 1988. He published his first drawing in 1985, in Folha de S. Paulo. From there, he started working as a freelance illustrator, in parallel with his jobs, until he was hired by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo, in 1991. He worked in the newsroom of Estadão for 22 years, until 2013. During this period, his work evolved and became better known, notably as a caricaturist. He won national and international awards in several humor and drawing salons for the press. In addition to having worked for Jornal da Tarde, of the same Grupo Estado, he collaborated with some of the largest communication vehicles in the country, such as Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil and the magazines Istoé, Placar, Vogue, Playboy, Sexy, Vip, Imprensa, Who, among others. He also made several illustrations for books, records and other projects. Currently, he continues to publish in Estadão, and maintains a long collaboration with the magazines Carta Capital (since 1995) and Veja (since 2004). More recently, he also started illustrating for Época Negócios magazine. He had solo exhibitions, participated in several group shows, and had three authored caricature books published.