Maurizio Chiantone
Настоящее имя: Maurizio Chiantone
Об исполнителе:
Born in Naples, he began his artistic career in the '70s. In the '80s he founded the group On Raku, a research laboratory on languages and sounds in which he experimented with structures and methods of creation that concern the relationship between man, media and technology. He grew a constant attention towards the possibility of interchange of codes, between the distinctive and transversal elements that compose them and on the dynamic and creative potential in the realization of an event. The areas of research, which are increasingly directed towards interactions between visual and sound art, push towards a study aimed at the relationship between phonemes, signs, perception and environment in a holistic and minimalist direction. He participates in numerous concerts as a musician. His versatility, allows him to range in different cultural and stylistic areas: from jazz to contemporary, from serialism to world music, electronic and acousmatic up to pure experimentation. Among his studies, the Diploma in Double Bass, the one in Electroacoustic Music Composition, the Master in Digital Writing at the Faculty of Education in Florence, characterize a constant and contextual commitment to knowledge and a broader cultural training as well as specific. Any discipline becomes an instrument of support to obtain a broader vision of artistic expression and at the same time, useful to overcome it, to a constant critical and constructive questioning of the idea and doing in the art world. He works on several levels of interest: composition, design and teaching while growing collaborations of thought and doing shared with painters, photographers, architects, sculptors, set designers, poets, actors, choreographers, creative. In 1994 he founded Chroma Interactions©, an activity aimed at the use of new digital languages of which he is Artistic Director; then he founded the Blucode© Studio, attentive to communication and design from which Blucode L.A.P. [Live Action Performance] was born, an area, a container, a concept in which to bring together the different professional experiences and free creative research. In 2004 the project RUMINANZE© was born. It investigates the re-mediation between languages. The different expressive media contribute to the creation of a specific place of space and time in which to involve actors and users. Technique and analogical-digital technologies coexist. Multimedia and multimodal collective writings are constituted as moments of interpenetration, not only between the various media but also between the creative productions of individuals. The hybridization and coexistence of randomness and project are harbingers of unpredictable outcomes. many collaborations and events related to the investigation in the visual field and sound experimentation. He has taught at the Academies of Naples, Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, Academy of Fine Arts in Frosinone, currently teaches Performance and Interpretation of Electroacoustic Music at the Conservatory of Music in Benevento. His last composition "Piccolo inventario degli insetti Geisha_xtra” for electronics and acoustic instruments take part at contemporary music compilation "Approdi: Avanguardie musicali a Napoli Volume III (Konsequenz, 2021) " cordinated and produced by Girolamo De Simone, in 2021 he founded Sonic Allaince a group of improvisers with Mario Gabola, Giuseppe Vietri and Davide Russo, working on the border between melody, feedback and radical improvisation.