Sofa Kru
Настоящее имя: Sofa Kru
Об исполнителе:
Sofa Kru is a team of producers and DJs from Kragujevac, which came together more than 8 years ago, with the aim of promoting somewhat alternative music, organizing events and producing music that they promote at their events and numerous guest appearances in the country and the region. The sound that adorns their performances is primarily Drum and Bass in all its forms, and the repertoire often includes directions such as Funk, Breaks, hip hop, UKG ... They have had several releases and a large number of performances, both in clubs in the city, country and region, and at several festivals, and they had the opportunity to collaborate with almost all names of ours, but also the names of the world DnB scene, some of which are: Big Bud, Dave Owen, Silence Groove, Skeletone, Fokus, Kida Keva Crew, Codex, Euphorics, Rahmanee, Drop Sensei, Side1, MadRed, Roll the drums, MLB (Shiny D, LMV), YebiggaH,, Fletric, Beatsmuggler .. Since the end of 2012, this multi-member group has been joined by the frontman of the group SickSoul, who performs with them as an MC at major events. Original in Bosnian: Sofa Kru je ekipa producenata i DJ-eva iz Kragujevca, koja se okupila pre vise od 8 godina, sa ciljem promocije nesto alternativnijih muzickih pravaca, organizacije dogadjaja i produciranja muzike koju propagiraju na svojim eventima i brojnim gostovanjima u zemlji i regionu. Zvuk koji krasi njihove nastupe je pre svega Drum and Bass u svim svojim formama, a na repertoaru se cesto mogu naci i pravci kao sto su Funk, Breaks, hip hop, UKG... Iza sebe imaju vise izdanja kao i veliki broj nastupa, kako u klubovima u gradu, zemlji i regionu, tako i na vise festivala, a imali su priliku da saradjuju sa skoro svim imenima nase, ali i imenima svetske DnB scene od kojih su neka: Big Bud, Dave Owen, Silence Groove, Skeletone, Fokus, Kida Keva Crew, Codex, Euphorics, Rahmanee, Drop Sensei, Side1, MadRed, Roll the drums, MLB ( Shiny D ,LMV ), YebiggaH, , Fletric, Beatsmuggler... Ovoj višečlanoj grupi se od kraja 2012. pridruzuje i frontmen grupe SickSoul koji nastupa sa njima kao MC na vecim dogadjajima.