Настоящее имя: Mohabitat
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MOHABITAT, never ceasing on the producing scene since 2014, has always possessed a strong melodic element as part of their compositions. This was apparent in the self-produced ambient album, "Crisalide". After several years of working as a duo with the visual artist, Hamaranta, Mohabitat has since been working as a solo artist in order to focus more attention on sound, the research thereof and the necessity to create a signature. Mohabitat continuous his sound research through vintage synthesizers, tape echoes and analogue gear in a new release with 4 tracks composed for clubbing as well as for listening pleasure. These tracks, in fact, reflect a thread of melodic house and techno by label Afterlife for Tale of Us but, simultaneously experiment with compositions influenced by artists such as Jon Hopkins and Rival Consoles, as well as the recognized sound of the contemporary Berlin scene. By the use of these instruments, it also seems like a soundtrack for a Netflix production, such as Stranger Things. It was during isolation that Mohabitat permitted himself to reflect on his personal situation, his own path and at the same time those closest to him. His music is a journey that can be travelled within the duration of a literal day, from sunrise to sundown or, metaphorically, as the progressive phases of our own lives.