La Trifullka
Настоящее имя: La Trifullka
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In the beginnings of La Trifullka, back in 1995, one of the main ideas was to make music of its own. That worked as a philosophy of the band integrated by Luis and Raúl Rueda, Xavier von Buchwald and Christian Freire until this December. Those beginnings where there is an extraordinary chemistry and good vibes no longer go, the group is unmarked and leaves three albums for the history of the national rock: Mucha Rabia, Efecto Placebo and Calamidad Doméstica. Luis Rueda (vocalist) is the one who tells almost everything, the other part of the noise of La Trifullka is known by his followers and those who once heard them and saw them derailing the stages. There is no crying. They release the first album Mucha Rabia en 1996 and have a good promotion job with the MTM label. Time of the fifth hair and artificial light that coincides with the takeoff of the group. In '97 the band grows a lot, toured the country, sells many records, plays at the Festival Rock al Parque in Bogotá, Colombia. Everything is going well and they get dizzy for success. They enter a stage of chaos. After the concert at the Pululahua volcano in 1999, the bassist Raúl Rueda left the band, although he never left completely: he played in the presentations and participated in the Efecto Placebo (2000). To get this metal, seven months were locked in Luis's house. The result of so much experimentation is a superdark disc (dark), according to Luis Rueda, much more creative and more interpenetrating among the musicians. They live like a band from the seventies, with the whole psychedelia pod included. They take out the disk independently and realize that the work of a promoter is always necessary. Placebo effect is completely different from Mucha rabia, but it does not strike well among the followers, to many it seems horrible, others begin to know La Trifullka with this delivery, however, commercially it does not work. In 2001, Luis left for Spain. He stays for nine months and plays with a band called Elecktra, he becomes contaminated with Madrid's movida, and in the nostalgia of distance he composes some songs. Freire enters the group of Sergeant Tomato as a collaborator and von Buchwald to Los Asuntados. On the way back there is a disc in Luis's head. Gather the band, but this time it is not a group work, all songs and arrangements are made by Luis. Calamidad Domestica is a much fresher work, cheerful, with different nuances that record with Ifesa. There is a lot of enthusiasm, but things do not come out because of the organization problems of the label. They play here and there. The stigma that they are a chaotic band of heavy rock chases them everywhere, so much so that Freire and von Buchwald are definitely leaving. César Peralta, on guitar, Juan Carlos Macio for drums and Daniel Sais from Argentina play the keyboards and adapt the old songs with the new sound. A chaotic show at the Santé disco, where drunk Luis Rueda is kicked out, marks the end of the route. "Everything that happened that day is not something that I feel proud of, it was a disastrous day," he confesses. The path of any artist who intends to leave some kind of legacy or transcendence is to create, not interpret. It is the thought that dominates and maintains Luis Rueda. They open and each one goes by his side. They did not pass indifferently within the national rock, but there will be no more magical nights like when they played with Los Prisioneros and those present felt the overwhelming force of La Trifullka.