Настоящее имя: Guiller
Об исполнителе:
Bolero Singer from Barrios Altos, Lima, Perú. Guiller was born on June 8, 1942. His parents Don Carlos Merdeces Caldas Mejía and Doña Gregoria Cuya Silva, bautized him with the name of Carlos Guillermo without imagining that years later he would become one of the best bolero players in the world. Peru. A few days after he was born, he was taken to the Breña neighborhood, where he spent his entire childhood. He was the oldest of 8 siblings. When he was very young, he cultivated singing in his roots. At the age of 11 he suffered the death of his father. So, he became the sustenance of his home. He works as a painter, carpentry assistant, etc. One of the jobs he always comments on is the sale of newspapers, he tells that he earned a lot of money with this job, which he left after he was 14 years old, then went to work at the El Tigre chocolate factory, where his salary was less than half of what he earned from the sale of newspapers. He met with his friends to sing and play the guitar, they invited him to sing in serenades which were very common in those times. At the age of 18, his mother gave him his first guitar. A Falcón guitar which never changed and still keeps today. As soon as he could go on stage, he did it because he liked to sing. Then he went to work for a packaging company known at the time as Peruvian Packers where, thanks to his work and dedication, he came years later to occupy the position of operations manager. He never moved away from singing, he formed a trio with friends with whom he shared that love of music, especially the bolero. In one of many serenades, he ended up at the Cano family home. Notable family of Breña. It is there where our artist meets the love of his life Sonia Aurora Cano Espinosa, who years later would become his wife, on March 27, 1971, he married her, with whom he had 4 children, Guillermo, Lissette, Daniel and Melanny. When the company where he worked closed, he realized that his vocation was singing, which later would be his way of life. He decided to record on his own, he was determined. No one was going to make him change his mind because he always had that conviction. Everything can be achieved in life, he said, and the song was, is and will be his life. Guillermo Caldas was not a commercial name as for a singer. One day Manuel Miyashiro Higa (2) told him jokingly "Why don't you call yourself Gillette?" like the Gillette razors, this made our artist think and besides the fact that the Guillermos are called Guiller. So he searched for the songs for his first 45RPM with two of Manuel Miyashiro Higa songs. He recorded [r11815595], being the first resounding success in Lima and generated that the Infopesa record company buys the production from him and hires him as an exclusive artist being named by the press as "The Bolerista of the Year". Thus begins the artistic career of Guiller, El Rey de las Cantinas.