Giorgio Nottoli
Настоящее имя: Giorgio Nottoli
Об исполнителе:
Born in Cesena in 1945, Giorgio Nottoli completed his musical studies at the Conservatory "G. Rossini" of Pesaro. He studied composi tion with Domenico Guaccero and Mario Bertoncini, guitar with Carmen Lenzi Mozzani and Electronic Music with Walter Branchi. Self-taught as hardware designer and researcher, he completed his apprenticeship in the scientitic field collaborating with various researchers, among whom, Giuseppe di Giugno, Guido Guiducci and Silvio Santoboni. From 1968 to 1975 he was a performer of lute and guitar and since 1975 he has worked as composer and researcher. Since 1975 he is a researcher in the technical-scientific field, as well as in acoustics and computer music. He is professor of Electronic Music at the Conservatory "S. Cecilia" in Rome. Most of his works involve electro-acoustic instruments for both the synthesis and the processing of sound with the aim to make 'timbre' the principal parameter that could be built through the control of its microstructure.The works composed from 1972 to 1978 use analogical or hybrid devices mostly designed by the composer, among these works we find: Incontro (for magnetic tape and live electro-acoustic processnq, 1972), Ground I and II (for vibrating string and automatic control system, 1973), Senza Voci I e II (for magnetic tape, 1978: in collaboration wrth the com poser Guido Baggiani) .The works composed from 1980 use digital systems among which the WS-8 (designed by the composer, 1978-79) as in: Figura (for sound tracks synthesized through computer, 1980), and Grid (for sound tracks synthesized through digital techniques, 1986). The works composed from 1992 use as generator and DSP the microchip ORION (designed by the composer, 1988-90), among these we find: Tre Microaforismi (for computer in real time, 1992), Iki (for soprano and computer, 1993 dedicated to Michiko Hirayama), Area (for computer in real time, 1994), Ruota del Tempo (for computer, 1996), Improvvisazione VII "from the sound of the concert just pertormed" (for computer in real time: Saiph and Mixtral systems, 1998), Archeion (for piano and computer in real time, 1995·2000), Solve et coagula (for computer) 'premiere' at the Teatro alia Scala of Milan on January 15'", 2000, Seguendo un fila di luce (for computer, 2002), Percorso (for femele voice, electronic sounds and live electro-acoustic elaborations, 2004) dedicated to Goffredo Petrassi and inspired to he poem by Eugenio Montale "La casa dei doganieri". His works have been pertormed in national and international festivals among which: Festival di Musica Verticale (Rome), l'Officina Musicale (Milan), Festival di Nuova Consonanza (Rome), Festival Syntese (Bourges), ICMC Conservatorio dell'AIA, MIPCM (Malta International Project of Computer Music), Settimane Musicali dell'Accademia Chigiana di Siena, Teatro alia Scala (Milan), Estate Romana (Tor Vergata Rome), Teatro Massimo (Palermo). As researcher Giorgio Nottoli has designed and accomplished various systems for the synthesis and processing of sound, employing a vanety of technologies, from analogical circuits to the design of digital chips for music, among these we find: WS-8 (time-varying wave form syntheSizer, 1977), A.S.F. (AudiO SyntheSiS Family: set of 3 integrated circuits for additive synthesis and frequency modulation, 1984-87, together With Francesco Galante, manufactured by Texas Instruments in 1985-87) and the more complex: ORION (1988-90): system for the syntheSis/processing of sound integrated in a single chip of 200.000 transistors based on a completely micro-programmable archi tecture at high parallelism (realized by Sierra Semiconductors in 1990). In 1996-97 he designed the system MiXlral for audio applications, particularly dedicated to the applications of miXing, effect processing and the spatial distribufion of sound, In collaboration With Charlie Lab in Mantua. From 1997 he coordinates, together with Prof. Mario Salerno and the engineer Giovanni Costantini, the project of the experimental system !or the syntheSiS and processing of sound Saiph at the 'Laboratorio Circuiti' of the Faculty of Engineering of the second University of Rome, Tor Vergata." The technical/scientific and musical aspects of such systems have presented in international conventions and conferences: ICMC (International Computer Music Conference), AES (Audio Engineering Society) Convention, Jim (Journees of Musicallnformatique), CIM (Conference of Computer Music), "Creare e capire la musica" (Faculty of Mathematics of the second University in Naples). In 1977 he was put on a research project by C.N.R. to develop a computer system for music composition. This commission was renewed for four consecutive years until 1981 and the work was carried out at the group of Environmental Electro-acoustics and Acoustics at Acoustics Institute "0. M. Corbino" of C.N.R. in Rome directed by Paolo Giua. In 1983 he was the co-founded and president of S.i.M. SJ.i. (Computer Science Music Society) in Rome of which he was president up to 1989. From 1990 to 1992 he coordinated the Laboratory for Research and Development of the company ORtA S.p.A. (Recanati) setting up the applicatory phase of the chip Orion and deSigning the operational system Rigel, a software architecture devoted to real time control of sys tems for sound synthesis. From 1993 to 1995 he collaborated with the Institute Iris (Research Institute for IndUstry and Entertainment) in Paliano where he carried out his research activity and coordination in the design of advanced electronic systems for computer music. From 1996 he collaborated with the company Charlie Lab SJ.I. of Mantua developing various systems and algorithms for audio signals pro cesSing. Throughout his research in design and development of methodologies and algorithms related to the systems for computer-music, he has collaborated with the following university faculties: Faculty of Electronic Engineering of the First University in Rome "La Sapienza" FaCUlty of Mathematics of the Second University in Rome "Tor Vergata", Department of Physics of the First University in Rome "La Sapienza" Faculty of Electronic Engineering of the Second University in Rome "Tor Vergata" Faculty of Electronic Engineering of the University in Ancona. Faculty of Letters of the Second University in Rome "Tor Vergata." Faculty of Mathematics of the Second University in Napies. Within these collaborations he has been on the thesis committee of several degrees as co-examiner and chairman. In 1996 he held the master class course of Electronic Music at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, in 1998 he coordinated the agreement between the Conservatory of Music "L, Reflce" of Frosinone and the Second University of Rome "Tor Vergata" This agreement established the Chair of History of Music of Prof, Agosfino liino and the 'Circuits Laboratory' directed by Prof. Mario Salerno for "Tor Vergata" University and Chair of Electronic Music of the same Prof. Giorgio Nottoll for the Conservatory. From 1999 he has been teacher of Electronic Music at the Second University in Rome "Tor Vergata", Faculty of Letters, Degree Course in "History, Science and Techniques of the MuSIc and the Entertainment."