Antonello Baranta
Настоящее имя: Antonello Baranta
Об исполнителе:
Italian journalist, writer (Rome,1958). Humorist, author for TV and radio, grows from a young age a great interest in literature, music and cinema, writing and producing stories and scripts for film. Since 1993 SIAE member, D.O.R. section, category AORT (Author of Works for Radio and Television). Lately have been published some stories written in the 80s to which ideally he gave the title "Summer Tales". The emotion is unmanageable because it is also impossible to scan the pages, it becomes the exercise of the filing review them on a pen-drive. Laziness, rather than talent, he has always written spontaneously, almost never re-reading, maybe too trusting his knowledge of lexical, morphological, and analytical, but unmistakable sign of maturity coming up. Among the most interesting work in the film, the participation to La Campagnola Bella by Mario Siciliano (1976) and in Scoop by Ennio Marzocchini (1984), where he played the part of Antonello. In the year 2015 it was published his book "Ma è Vero Che Hanno Ucciso Giulio Cesare? (But 'True That Have Killed Julius Caesar?" written with Gabriele Peruzzi.