Настоящее имя: Au+
Об исполнителе:
“Find signal in noise. Find melody in chaos” AU+ is an audio/visual experimental combo created in 2012. It composes soundtracks for abstract movies. Fabio Volpi (Dies_) and Rosarita Crisafi (RR) combined their audio, instrumental and visual skills in this project, an electro/industrial/live improv/jazz/free group in which electronic noise meets jazz. The concept is inspired by signal detection theory (SDT), a means to quantify the process of detection between information-bearing energy patterns (melody/harmony) and random energy patterns (noise). AU+ audiovisual performances represent an inner journey, a research of a meaningful signal inside the chaos of mind. The name AU+ recalls the art of alchemy, an audiovisual way of transmutation of lead, PB (noise) into gold, AU (signal/stimulus).