Настоящее имя: Обектив
Об исполнителе:
Vocal trio founded in 1970 by Nikolay Kuyumdjiev (Николай Куюмджиев). Many artists was part of this group, like: Mimi Ivanova (Мими Иванова), Margarita Hranova (Маргарита Хранова), Maya Neshkova (Мая Нешкова), Kichka Bodurova (Кичка Бодурова), Katya Filipova (Катя Филипова), Rositsa Ganeva (Росица Ганева), Gergana Vlachkova (Гергана Влъчкова), Margarita Gradena (Маргарита Граден), Stefka Onikyan (Стефка Оникян), Violeta Onikyan (Виолета Оникян), Vera Buchvarova (Вера Бъчварова), Vanya Teoharova (Ваня Теохарова), and others. Has extensively toured in the 70's and turned into a springboard for many singers who later had successful appearances as a soloist. The trio presents several songs at the festival Golden Orpheus Festival and made concert tours in Russia, Germany, Romania and Serbia.