Virgenes Adolescentes
Настоящее имя: Virgenes Adolescentes
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Spanish art-rock band founded in summer 1991 by Javier Almendral on vocals, lyrics and guitar (ex-Demonios Tus Ojos, ex-Los Labios), Germán Sánchez on bass (ex-Sex Museum) and Paco "Serrucho" Cárdenas Francisco Cardenas (2) on drums (ex-Blackmoon Fire). Previously (1991-1992) on drums was Alicia Salguero (ex-Los Labios). In February of 1992 they record their first demo and from their live presentation in Madrid they begin to give concerts with the name of Las Vírgenes. In May '92 they recorded a first single and a second demo. Alicia soon leaves the group to join Corcobado and Los Chatarreros de Sangre y Cielo. His place is occupied by Paco Cárdenas (ex-Blackmoon Fire). In June of 1993 they record their first album for Triquinoise, an intense and restless double LP full of references to the darkest side of rock. Sex, religion, drugs, are the elements with which they elaborate their lyrics. Comparisons with Corcobado will not wait, although Virgenes Adolescentes have their own undoubted personality. More oriented to Rock (Hendrix, Fugazi) and with a solid and imaginative rhythmic base, probably one of the best that has been seen in this country. A year later, the group records a second work that, like the previous one, does not do justice to its live sound. The race of Teen Virgins remains in suspense after the abandonment of the group by Paco Cárdenas (now in Psilicon Flesh). Javier Almendral, for his part, has set up a recording studio (Genoa 7). In '99 the record label ¡Demonios qué disco! Records and does it with the third and final work of Teen Virgins. Conceived during '96 and finished in early '97, the album closes the group's history and makes clear the sound evolution of a band that experienced and knew how to conceive rock sung in Spanish in another way. His latest album, "Muda tu piel", played and delivered in its entirety by the two founding members of the group, Javier Almendral (voice and guitar) and Germán Sanchez (bass and choirs), has numerous collaborations: Paco Cárdenas (Psilicon Flesh) ), Carlos Disaster and Emilio Salvatierra (713th Love), Corcobado, Justo Bagueste (IPD), etc. To highlight the tribute made to the Velvet Underground (cover of "Venus in Furs"), with the only version recorded by the group in all its discography. . (Experimentaclub)