Настоящее имя: Prophilax
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Prophilax were founded in 1990 by Fabio "Ceppaflex" Pinci (also guest singer in San Culamo). They enjoyed success among the teenagers of Rome almost immediately for their songs dealt with students and sex, using lyrics for half italian and half in roman dialect. Prophilax are also authors of some goliardic re-dubbings: from an episode of television series ("Beverly Holes - gays in Beverly Hills" to finish with "Biuticul" respectively from Beverly Hills 90210 and Beautiful), through a famous movie ("Puttanic" from Titanic) generally attributed to Prophilax but actually born from a collaboration of Fabio Pinci, Ludovico Piccinini and the italian demential band San Culamo. Worthy of note is also the demential horror medium-length "Il giorno del Nerchiopiteco" (The Day Of Nercopiteco), directed by Fabio Pinci and projected at some concerts, as well as the other re-dubbings cited. They created also the fictional characters called "Stronzemon", a parody of the famous anime characters Pokémon. One of them, "Il Mentulatore" is the mascotte of the band. Prophilax openly criticize the system of copyright protection managed by the Italian society SIAE and, as a protest, they encourage fans to freely upload and download their music on the internet. The line-up is not regular (excluding Fabio with vocals and Ludovico with guitars), change from time to time with other musicians. Christian Ice is considered an official member by the band, even if his role is primarily in arrangements and productions. They define their genre as "Porno Rock". From july 2022 is available the first official biography called "Il Nerkionomicon", released by Settecittà edizioni and written by Daniele Gugliemi.