Настоящее имя: Mythopoeia
Об исполнителе:
The band is from Pilsen. The roots of band go to the year 1993, when band operated with name Mythopoeia - Kingdom Of Frost. In the beginning had band personal problems (place for the 3rd guitar) and with rehearsal. In july 1993 went Heon Ostamon to the army and the life of band was stoped. In this time formed Sorath. In july 1994 came Heon Ostamon from army and band started work. The name of band was changed, from philosophical reasons, on Mythopoeia. The group stabilized with 6 members: Heon Ostamon (keys), Admirerforestae (guitar, vocals), Asura Godwar Gorgon's Ray (vocals), Martin Tree (bass), Francis Empty (guitar), Ottar Distress (drums). In february 1996 came to band new member Johannes Rhodostauroticus R.C. and took place of the 3rd guitar. In september 1996 was recorded debut MC demo at studio Benas. MC demo got name Haaramonia in Microcosmos. In the beginning of the year 1997 connected band czech UG label Metal Breath Prod. and offered place on compilation Breath of Doom. Mythopoeia is there presented by song It is blood of my veins taken from the debut demo tape. In july 1997 left bands bassist Martin Tree and one month later took his place new members Lucas and Mar Markion. Lucas spent with band 9 months, left band and the place of bass guitar was problem. In june 1998 took place of bass guitar vocalist Asura Godwar Gorgon's Ray and together with Mar Markion healed up this place. In august 1998 band went to studio Benas again to record new material titled Scheps Ankh, Aesch Mezareph, Atropopaia, Michani of hermetic doom-death metal music. This material was released by Metal Breath prod. and Equinox prod. In the end of 1998 left band Johannes Rhodostauroticus R. C. and Mar Markion standed his place on concerts. After the realisation of the 2nd MC was this art supported by concerts in Czech Republic. The action of the year was Metal Breath Tour 1999 with Promises, Breaking Beds and Grind 6.4. In autumn 1999 Asura Godwar Gorgon's Ray returned to vocals and Mar Markion taked over all bass links. In september 2000 left band all members of Sorath. New line-up is from two old members - Heon Ostanon a Asura Godwar Gorgon´s Ray and some members of Gold Of Athanor band. In the beginning of the year 2001 Mythopoeia works on new material "The Golden Leaf Of Oak" for realisation of a new CD. This CD released by Metal Breath Production, released date: 1st November 2001. Name of new album is "The Golden Leaf Of Oak". In the December 2001 left the band Olav (guitar) and new member is Aziz.