QOD is Moreno Padoan and Andrea Bellucci.
“Absequence“ is the debut album of a new project called "QOD", which showcases the collaboration between Moreno Padoan (MP, Artcore Machine, Otur Boyd) and Andrea Bellucci (Red Sector A, Subterranean Source, Vetropaco, Nerva, Dioide). In "Absequence", Padoan's devastating Rhythmic Noise meets, merges and blends with Bellucci's polished IDM-Techno Ambient, giving life to nine tracks of pure electronic delirium. The album's target is to explore the possibilities offered by the meeting of two well-defined characters, who search for a communal code of expression, largely represented by intricate rhythmic textures and very refined and elaborate sounds. An extremely dangerous experience!