Настоящее имя: Christorgy
Об исполнителе:
"CHRISTORGY was a one man brown/grind/stupiditycore project from Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. CHRISTORGY shat itself into existence in 2005 after the demise of the universally ignored (and frankly piss poor) TOILET PROBLEMS.To date Christorgy has allowed 3 releases to escape captivity and clog the arteries of an uninterested and frankly disgusted public..." - John Moffatt (Tiberius Nyarlethotep). Since 2009, CHRISTORGY has joined forces with fellow Fermanagh oxygen wasters WILLIAM SHATNER to create a band that actually plays gigs, namely WILLIAM CHRIST & THE ONE MAN ORGY, who released their first full length album, ‘Cranium Smashing Stupidity’ in 2010. This album has garnered vaguely favorable reviews and the band have gathered a following in Ireland for some obscure reason. KNOWN LINE-UP; Guitars/Programming/Vocals - Tiberius Nyarlthotep "John Moffatt" (William Shatner/William Christ/Christorgy/Entity/Massive Bereavment/Setting Off Sirens/Mysterious Deadbeats/Toilet Problems/The Minotaurs) ADDITIONAL (that I know of) ; Bass/Guitars/Vocals - Rupert St. Rimhaven Vocals - Rektaahl Thermometron Other members of CHRISTORGY remain anonymous until the rash clears.