Настоящее имя: Sinusitis
Об исполнителе:
Sinusitis is formed in East Jakarta precisely in Cijantung in March 2000 . Sinusitis name taken from the name of a disease of the respiratory tract disorders and brought the genre of death metal . At the beginning of the formation is formed , this formation does not last long only a few months. Finally, in April 2000 we set our initial formation consisting of : Sapto ( drums ) , Ganyonk ( bass ) , Sindhis ( guitars ) and Ipin ( vocals ) . In January 2001, we agreed to add two new personnel Eka ' Caucasians ' to fill positions on 2nd guitar . But it was not long before we were really forced to accept the resignation of Sandhi because of busyness and Ipin following due to the mismatch . In this formation consists of : Sapto ( drums ) , Ganyonk ( bass ) , Eka ' bule ' ( guitars ) . Finally, in May 2002 we issued 1st full album contains 9 songs with the title ' Life Lost In Vain ' produced by label - Bandung Extreme Souls Productions ( ESP - indie label ) and for additional vocals on the first album in the content Irvan Nursick ( Innerbeauty ) . Finally, in December 2002 we get two new personnel to fill positions Bayu on vocals . Earlier this formation , we agreed to continue our productivity . And until the end of Febuary 2005 finally Sinusitis own experience boredom and inactivity , which affect the motor at the same personnel in Sinusitis is Sapto resign . So that we also agreed to replace the Leohardy . To prove our existence in music , especially underground , mid- year 2010, we tried to bounce back from inactivity us to follow events back stage , also try to participate in metal music compilations in Indonesia . At the beginning of the year 2010-2011 penguhujung and we must give Eka ' Caucasians ' , Bayu and Leohardy resigned , and we have to understand that many of them change the conditions of our limited time terima.Dengan 3 personnel to discharge the near future does not make us make this band is lost . Finally we get a replacement for the guitar by Amink , by Botel drums , vocals by Adjie , and with the formation of our new , we also make new music nuances of earlier but still the death metal genre , and Sinusitis formation to date is : Amink : Guitars Bhotel : Drums Ganyonk : Bass Adjie : Vocals Sinusitis is much influenced by bands from outside and inside the country . But we still mix our own music , combined with other musical elements , with the theme format psychiatric problems , violence , social , war , suffering . Sinusitis in music always provide the best learning even though a lot of support , meghina , and revile us , but it all makes us to remain ' fight' and strong ........ ( for you to witness)